by Jeanette Kierstead
Click image to read customer reviews of the Breville Infuser on Amazon today!
Q: I have purchased a Breville Infuser espresso machine. Is the Breville Smart Grinder the best choice as a companion to this machine?
A: If you are the proud owner of a Breville Infuser espresso machine, the Breville Smart Grinder Pro is certainly a great choice to work side-by-side with that machine; you’ll be able to get some fantastic shot. Highly recommended!
Click image to read our full review of the Rancilio Silvia
Q: I have just recently purchased a Rancilio Silvia espresso machine. I am thinking about either getting a Rancilio Rocky or a Breville Smart Grinder to go along with it. What do you recommend?
A: The Rancilio Siliva espresso machine is a classic espresso machine for those looking for a great machine for their home, and this machine definitely works well with the Breville Smart Grinder.
However, because of the design of the Rocky, it was basically made to go with the Silvia. At the same time, the Breville Smart Grinder is a great grinder and less expensive. If you’re looking for a great grinder that is more affordable, go with the Breville Smart Grinder.
Q: Where can I buy the Breville Smart Grinder online?
A: If you’re wondering where to buy the Breville Smart Grinder, its not too hard to find online these days as it is quite popular, and so it is available at a variety of online locations.
You’ll definitely find it on Amazon, eBay, Breville, and many other sites.
Q: Which is the best price for this grinder?
A: Amazon seems to have some of the lowest prices when it comes to Breville Smart Grinders. Click here to check Breville’s Smart Grinder sales page to see what the lowest price is today.
Q: Help! My Breville Smart Grinder has stopped working!
A: Never fear! If the grinder is still under warranty, you can take it back to where you bought it and ask for a new one. There is usually a replacement warranty that covers for such issues. Breville has great customer service and a quick call to them can often lead to an answer. Click here to jump to the Breville USA support page to get their phone number.
But, if it’s no longer under warranty, you may want to have it repaired. Maybe the issue is with the beans you were using. The repair person will check whether the burrs and hopper are working fine. In addition, the motor should also be checked.
Q: My Breville Smart Grinder is making a loud noise, what can I do?
A: If you find that your grinder makes a crazy noise when you grind fine, we have heard of this happening, too. And the noise, mostly concentrated in the espresso range, lasts for about 4 seconds. A quick remedy could be a complete clean out, since the source of the problem could be the grinds left in the grinder/burrs.
This is also a warranty issue. The belt could be the problem. It’s not normal for a new grinder to make crazy noises. If your machine is still under warranty, it’s advisable to take it to the vendor for replacement—a replacement is the best option even the faulty part is serviceable.
Q: I’ve heard its one of the more durable grinders on the market, but just how durable is the Breville Smart Grinder?
A: Considering customers’ feedback, it is safe to say that most models of Breville Smart Grinders have a long lifespan. This is based on what customers have said from around the web after years of use.
There have been a lot of positive reviews about Breville Smart Grinder (BCG800XL), and you can read some of those reviews here on Amazon. Looking at its overall design and usability, based on our research, we can predict that it should last for at least five years, minimum.
Q: How easy is it to clean the Breville Smart Grinder (model BCG800XL)?
A: Considering the fact that this is a well-made professional style of grinder, there are quite a few moving parts here. All things considered, it is indeed a fairly easy unit to clean.
Before you start cleaning your grinder, you need to know how to take off the upper burr. Although the machine has sensors, it’s still advisable to unplug it before you start cleaning. Take off the upper lid. Rotate the shut off anticlockwise. It’s labeled “lock” and “unlock” at the top so you won’t have any problem with this.
The display will notify you to lock the bean hopper. Lift up the bean hopper. Once the bean hopper is out, you need to remove the upper burr. There is a little arrow on the upper burr that indicates whether it’s (upper burr) in a loose or lock position. Lift and rotate to the align position.
You can now clean the upper burr and lower burr; they’re made of stainless steel. Once you’re done with the cleaning, return the upper bar and gently rotate it towards the lock position. Re-insert the upper bean hopper and lock it.
Below you will find a video that will give some cleaning tips on the Breville Smart Grinder, as far as using a vacuum, and also how to use your Grinds cleaning pellets.
=> The ShopVac 5986000 is perfect for cleaning out your Breville Smart Grinder – Click here to purchase the ShopVac for the lowest price on Amazon today!
Q: The Breville Smart Grinder gets clogged below the lower burr, which should not be removed. What should I do?
A: If you notice lots of coffee below the lower burr that eventually stop ground coffee output, it is advisable to take your unit to a reputable Breville repair facility. Here’s a link to their support page if you need it.
It’s highly likely that the grinder, in your case, was not properly assembled. This is quite rare, but it does happen. Also, the paddle wheel may be damaged or irregularly shaped.
Note that smaller passageways may get clogged if one grinds dark roast coffee using a very fine setting. If you have to remove the lower burr during cleaning, make sure you consult an authorized repair personnel, or a friend who is experienced with these types of repairs.
Q: The grinder does not start even after I’ve pressed the “start”/”cancel” button. What’s going on?
A: Always check the most obvious thing first – check if the power cord has been plugged into the power outlet. If not, plug it in.
If your grinder is still not working, confirm that the bean hopper has been attached correctly. The LCD screen will display “lock bean hopper” if the bean hopper has not been attached properly. Locking the bean hopper into position should solve the problem.
If the problem persists, the problem could be that the grinder is overheated. Unplug and let the grinder to cool down for about 20 minutes before starting it. Here’s a link to their support page if you need to give them a call.
=> Click here to read our full length review of the Breville Smart Grinder (with pictures, video)
Q: There has been an emergency stop, take me through the troubleshooting procedure.
A: Firstly, press the “start”/”cancel” button. This will stop the operation. You should also unplug the power cord. Then, you can investigate to see if something got jammed. Also, it is also popular you blew a fuse. Some homes can blow a fuse by doing just about anything, but of course, you’d most likely be aware of this. Just remember, you don’t want to be fiddling with the inner working of this grind when the machine is plugged in!
Q: What do I do if there is too much/too little coffee grind?
A: This has nothing to do with anything being wrong with the machine. You probably just need to adjust the grind amount. To change the grind amount, press the “amount” button. Also, to fine tune the amount “less or more”, use the “adjust amount” dial.
Q: I can’t seem to lock the bean hopper into position.
A: The possible cause of this problem is that the coffee beans could be obstructing the device that locks the bean hopper. Unplug the machine, remove the bean hopper, clean the top of burrs, and re-insert the bean hopper. Hopefully that does the trick.
Q: The motor operates very loudly. Doesn’t seem too good! Any advice?
A: A number of things could be the culprit here. For instance, there could be a foreign item blocking the grinder, the chute could be blocked, or there could be moisture clogging up the machine. With the machine unplugged, remove the bean hopper, get rid of any foreign bodies, and clean the chute and burr heads.
Let the burrs dry for a while before re-assembling. You can use a hair dryer to dry.
Q: I need a burr replacement, where can I get one?
A: Although the whole machine is built to last for a long time, you can still get replacement burrs from Breville. This happens more so the upper burr.
Q: I don’t know much about calibration. Can you help?
The Breville Smart Grinder Pro helps you to calibrate doses automatically, regardless of the grind setting; meaning you’ll always get the perfect coffee grinds for brewing. Let your grinder take care it for you!
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About Jeanette Kierstead
Jeanette has been testing and reviewing kitchen appliances for over six years now, so she knows her stuff when it comes to finding the best ones. In her spare time, she loves nothing more than baking cakes and cookies – especially if she can do so with one of her favorite stand mixers! When she's not in the kitchen, Jeanette is usually looking after everything homes-related; from garden tools to smart home products.
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